problem hair algae


ok, I've been here before, my dad has a 75 gallon tank, 100 lbs live rock, with sand, and the hair algae is taking over again,,levels seem fine,,am at 0, trites at 0 and trates at 10,,checked the phosphates,,local store said they are ok,,,so where is this stuff coming from, using ro water..added some calupra to the tank,, trying to add good to get rid of bad, but it looks like it is taking over now,,all over all the rocks, have done about 3 rock brushings(pull all rock out of tank and scrub it heavily)...besides adding a fuge,,,what can I do...I thought about the mudd systems for the tank,,that is what I have on mine,, used tap water, have never had a problem..but I was wanting as many opinions as I could get,,so thanks in advance


just a thought,,would a uv sterilizer help,,,I have a spare one of those also, and it works on my outside ponds with algae


Well-Known Member
the hair algae is feeding from the nitrAtes. the caulpera will crowd out the hair but needs to get established. Let the caulpera grow. When you have thrifing caulpera and nitrates are down to 0.0 , then turn off the lights for several days. The hair will die off and the caulpera will be the only thing in the system comsuming the nitrAtes. Once at that point the system starts becomming self substaining. Then you don't have to scrub rocks and the like. But you got to get there first.