problem in 24 gallon please help


i got a 24 gallon tank wit 2 clowns and a falcos hawkfish, i went to the lfs askin wat other fish were suitable to put wit the hawkfish nd he explained that it can get fairly aggressive and its best to put another agressive fish in there, he reccomended a diadem dottybak, its been in there for 4 days and it was constantly harrassed by the hawkfish wen i put it in after the first day it hid and i havnt seen it since and i thought it died and my clean up crew cleaned him up but today he popped out for like 20 secounds and the hawkfish chased him bak into hiding, wat can i do to fix this, is the only solution gettin rid of the hawkfish, would catchin him and changin my rock work then puttin him bak in help? any ideas? i dont wanna lose such a good looking fish like the dottybak


thats what I would do a tank rearrange and reset to see if it helps you may have to try to find the falco a new home or the dottyback.