problem on lights for 90gal bowfront

naclh2o nut

I have been looking for some lights for my 90g but so far the metal halides light kits are atleast 12" wide and my tank measures about 11 3/4 along sides before the curve starts. Has anyone overcame this issue? I would like to p/u a 2x250 w/2x130 PC and lunars.


I had a 72 gallon bow and found that hamilton makes a fixture narrow enough to fit on bow fronts and they are nice I have one on my tank and it has 2x250 and 2 T5

naclh2o nut

Well, I thought light issue was solved. went out and bought the coralife P/Cs and set them up. Wife ask "Where are the flashes and why are they not as bright as the ones at the LFS?"

I explained the glitter lines from M/H and now she wants them.
So off to return my P/Cs.
Does anyone have pics of lights hanging from ceiling? I am looking @ the hamiltons that will mount on tank and the orbit pro(wider). Leaning toward the O/P but not sure how it would look being about 3 inches wider then the sides of my tank.
Other option put a 36" over my 48" tank? Thoughts....

I will have to order M/H online so need to be a little more picky and I know I can count on this group to give me the info I need to spend my childs college book money.

naclh2o nut

Hopefully she will be happy now, ordering 2 250 watt 20k metal halide pendants.
Does anyone have pics of mounting ideas? We are thinking about building a shelf over the tank and hanging them from that. Still concerned with actinics, possibly mounting a single T5 under shelf
not sure how that would look. Any ideas?