Problem, or not?


Ok in my qt tank I currently have my Fu Man Chu Lion and my Clarkii clownfish. Both had some slight redness and some slight fin problems. So I decided to treat them for it. I started this thursday night.
I looked in my tank last night and my Groupers occassionally dive to the bottom of the tank and scratch on the rocks. It isn't a lot but I noticed it after gazing at my tank for a couplr hours. (I do that often, it pisses off my girlfriend also. She says I stare at the tank more than her. I tell her well the tank doesn't yell at me or get mad. lol) I also noticed that both groupers fade a bit on one side of my tank only.
I have a fake very white coral there, and it seems the closer they get the more they fade. I have read that groupers can change a bit to blend in their surroundings. I just wanted to double check.
The scratching behavior reminds me of a groupers act this way as well?
I have a spotted (not panther, this one is black with lots of white spots on it) and chocolate grouper.
If it is a disease, I have a problem as my QT is full. It is only a 20 gallon tank.......


Active Member
The color fading of your grouper sounds very normal (as I had a spotted one before). However, the scratching does not sound normal. Whenever mine scratched (twice when I had him), he came down with ich very soon thereafter. I treated him with Parasite Stop twice and both times it worked very well. (Note: Parasite Stop is reef-safe, and will not do any harm to live rock, inverts, etc. It is not a true "medication" persay. Thus, you can use it right in your main tank).
I use the past tense because I had to get rid of him because he was getting very territorial. He just began killing things in my tank and he was basically knocking off the fish one by one. I got him out after he killed my jansen wrasse and hogfish. He's still doing well though. I see him everyday at work.