Problem Pictures


New Member
Ok I have taken a couple of pictures to help me explain my problems...... the first pictures just show my tank setup the following show problems i am having with a Powder Brown Tang.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!!


New Member
These are the only other fish I have in My tank along with about 10 snails, 3 horseshoe crabs and a Sifter Star........Oh and about


New Member
Ok last pic for this post I promise.......My tank was at a constant 84 Deg. so I added these 2 fans to lower the temp.....tank is now at a constant 78 Deg. at all times. Is that good or should I buy a heater to bring it up to 79/80?


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welcome to the boards
Originally posted by MiamiSaltWater
Pic 3
Is that purple Stuff Bad?

no, that looks like coraline algae...good thing.
2nd. i don't know what is wrong with your tang, but it should not be kept in a 40 gal. tangs grow to be very big and require lots of swimming room. you night want to consider taking it back to your lfs or finding someone with a much bigger tank to take him.


Active Member
First of all...the purple stuff is good, its coralline algae. Eventually it'll cover all your rocks and give your tank some color. As for the nitrite problem. Are you sure you do not mean nitrate, cause they are both way different. A nitrite problem would suggest that either you have added to many large fish too quickly or you tank was never fully cycled. It could also be that your biological filtration just can't handle the number of fish in your tank. Is the powder brown big? cause if he is, then he alone would probably be it for your bioload. I keep my tank at 79 degrees but there is many different opinions on what the temp. should be at, but somewhere around 78, 80 is good. You should invest in a heater just in case though. I'm not a disease expert by any means, but if your tank has high nitrites that could be adding to the problem with the tang.


New Member
My tang is only about 2 inches long. I added the 2 perculas (both about an inch long) about 2 weeks after my lfs told me my tank was cycled (numerous tests on different days).......I waited about 1 1/2 weeks and then added a carpet anenomie (sorry if i misspelled) which was doing fine but hte perculas did not pay attention to it at looked great.....about 1 week later I added the tang and about 2 hours after I did the perculas started going nuts and picking at the anenomie like crazy causing it to bunch up and look pretty nasty....the day after the perculas were in the anenomie but it didnt look as good.....on the third or fourth day the anenomie was dead and i took it out and got water tesed.....they told me everything was fine except my nitrites were rediculously high and it was probably the anenomie that caused the level to rise when it died. I quickly did a 10 gal. water change and added a product called Cycle (1 cap per 10 gal) and added medi-chem (2 drops per gal.) to reduce nitrites and for the ich....this is what my lfs told me to do.....he told me to get water tested on wed. and see how it was.


Active Member
Take it as you will....powders will NOT do well in a 40 gallon tank. I would advise that you take him out and don't buy another. I'm not trying to sound harsh, it is simply true, and I don't know how else to say it. They are delicate fish that need large tanks.....125 gallons atleast in my opinion due to their delicate nature, preferably 180 gallons. They're not as bad as blues, but a 40 gallon just won't work. The only advice I can give you to help him is to remove him and take him back where you bought him, or to some other'll get the same advice anywhere online.