Problem w/Bubble Coral


I am having a problem with my bubble coral I was hoping someone could help me with. A while back (3 weeks or so) the coral receeded a little and left part of one of the ribs inside of it exposed. Now there is a blackish red algae looking substance growing on the area that receeded. Its seems to be growing bigger and the coral is now really starting to receed away from it. Is there anything I can do? Does anyone know what this is? I have had the coral for 6 months and never had a problem until a big turbo snail knocked it over one night and I found it laying upside down in the sand one morning. Any advice would be appreciated.


The only thing I've heard that might help your situation is a coral dip they have on the market. I never heard of anyone using it on their bubble corals but have heard it used on brains. I believe it's some kind of iodine mixture that helps get rid of any unwanted parasites or with infections. Do a search on the web or maybe someone else can jump in with more details. Good luck.


Active Member
Have you tested your water? Coral dips work well with some corals, depending on what your treating, some can actually lead the a corals death. The coral was injured your best bet would be to keep it healthy via good water quality, lighting, and feeding, a healthy coral will regenerate and make a comeback in no time. If what you see growing on the bare skeleton is algae you need to limit its growth through nutrient control. Can you get a pic of the damaged spot? GL


I really wish I could post a pic, but unfortunately I do not have a digital camera yet. Just for some more information, I think it is a algae type prolem as well, but my water conditions are pretty good: Nitrate <10, Phosphate <.05, use RO water, and I have no problem with algae growth in the tank. Is the exposed bony plate of the coral more likely to grow algae on it than the surrounding tank? Even if the algae were to dissapear would the coral ever regrow over that spot? Is it safe to gently remove the algae in the morning once the tenticles receed and the bubbles start to form for the day as the area is the easiest to get to during this phase? Would a dip such as Tech-D kill off the algae, or would it do more harm to the coral? Sorry for all the questions, but this coral is one of my favorites and has grown like crazy, and I would like to try my hardest to do what is neccessary to keep it alive and healthy. Thanks.