problem with 65 watt pc and algea


I recently replaced 2 no actinic with 2 65 watt custom sea life actinic bulbs, to go with my hqi 250 mh, I am seeing an increase in algae, green on glass and the begining of hair..........anyone else had problem with this, my trates are .2, phophates 0, don't understand....corals look awesome, sps and softs, bubble about to burst, but darn algae starting up, could it be increase in wattage and intensity :mad: :mad:


I have calcium reactor that I took off post reactor, I am dripping the efluent in not putting directly into h2o, I wonder if I may have excess co2 in efluent, although my ph is 8.2, with the lights on..any ideas?????


Any Sharks out there with any ideas, I just made small post reactor with 3/4 pvc, not much Araganite can fit in it but if that is the prob, somehting is better than none I guess....Anyone with any ideas on lighting or reactor........can email me if you wish