problem with coralife power center


Has anyone else had this problem with there coralife power center with day and night timers ? The timer worked for 4 months and now it's broken , just stays on . I went to return it at the store I bought it from , but I can not find the invoice for it .


Active Member
The store is not going to do anything about it due to time frame. Call Coralife and talk to Roland. Odds are Coralife will replace it without a problem. They will even send a pickup request and all you have to do is box it up.


I had the same problem with 2 of mine, that I have.
Both stopped working after aprox. 2 months.
I called Coralife and after sending them back to them, they sent me 2 brand new ones and I havent had a problem yet.


ive got one and i tried to use it and couldnt figuare out the timers......cant get them to work right so i use it just for a powerplug
expensive powerplug


Active Member
Good to hear that they stand behind their product, I too have had the same problem. Mine quit working after just 2 months, but I thought I was just stuck with a broken wavemaker. The power plugs still work, but not the timer ones. I sure do like this website, lots of info


thats the same thing I have ...the timer is stuck on every now and then it will turn off . Any one got a # or wet address for coralife?