Problem with Cycle & Rubble Rock ?!?!?!


Hi Folks,
I need some advice please.
I'm trying to cycle a new 6 gallon Nano but the ammonia levels are through the roof and have been for about a week now. Here is what I did:
1: Added the water, premixed from the LFS.
2: Added the LS.
3: Added live rubble rock in one and half of the back chambers.
4: Added charcoal and Purigen.
That was a week ago and my ammonia levels are still through the roof, over 3.
What did I do wrong? I suspect that the live rubble rock may be the culprit. When I got it from the LFS it was dry and maybe uncured, but they said to simply add it to the tank as is.
My LR is being shipped as we speak and I am afraid that if I add it I will see a significant die off on the LR.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You


Your LR is not cured. There is alot of die off in the rock that will make a ammonia spike. Smell your rocks. Do they smell bad?


Yes. If they smell bad then they are not cured. You Can cycle your tank this way but the smell is usuall pretty bad to put in the house. I had to leave mine in the garage for about 2 weeks with big powerhead. Then in the display tank. that cycled my tank.


Your live rock has die off that is causing a spike. I would scrub your LR and do alot of water changes. Thats why I would do it in a plastic tub. get rid of all the die off. It been out of water too long to keep the like it already has. Most LR have life deep with in it that will survive and come out within time. Curing LR take atleast 3 week until you can add fish. By that time your tank will be cycled. I think that is the best way to cycle your tank. Just do Very large water changes.


I just cycled my tank with the live rock in it and let it take its course, a cycle can take alot of time.


When I cycled my tank it took atleast 3-4 weeks. Long time but worth the wait. This will teach you to be patiant. Remember when you rush things fish end up dead.