problem with humu trigger


Active Member
well hubby was more bummed then I was bummed for him . i was kinda hoping my lion would eat the trigger lol.he was mean and liked the way fingers tasted usually mine lol.although he was a cool colored niger havent seen one like him many times can you say or anyone else for that fact a purple niger trigger.this wasnt a lighting trick he realy was purple not blue


Active Member
Originally Posted by Triggered
Unleashed, that is one wicked cooool pic!!!
thanx i blame
it all on the food i use


Niger triggers must hate being in bags. When I got mine, it bite through as well. I came back to the tank to find him squirming around in a deflated bag on top of the water. So much for a slow acclimation. I hated the idea of all that LFS water in my beautiful tank.
I have to agree with the post by Emperor though. I've seen many fish live for days with chewed or missing tails, some get better quickly. He would probably not have died so fast if that was the only cause.


Active Member
thats not a bad pic .them buggers dont like to hold still to get a good pic taken lol. now yours looks like a normal niger, its blue .mine started off that color then turned purple after about a month of feeding him thera+A pellets by spectum twice a day then frozen foods like always at fact all of my fish that eat it are brighter than they started off at even my fw fish got brighter