Problem with ich, need help!!!


First time dealing with ich and need help bad. My v. lion and emperor angel are showing major signs of it....... grouper, trigger and 2 eels are fine. Lion also has cloudy eye. Its a 100G FOWLR with sump. Any help is appreciated. Thanks



Your other option is copper treatment. Either way, you need to set up a hospital tank and treat all of the fish. Ich can spread very quickly, so you want to act quickly. If you don't have an established hospital tank, you will need to set one up that will need to cycle. Adding sand, rock, and/or filter media from your main tank will speed up the cycle. Even with this, you'll have to be very diligent, testing the water and doing appropriate water changes, possibly daily for the first few days. A product like Amquel+ can also help.


Your other option is copper treatment. Either way, you need to set up a hospital tank and treat all of the fish. Ich can spread very quickly, so you want to act quickly. If you don't have an established hospital tank, you will need to set one up that will need to cycle. Adding sand, rock, and/or filter media from your main tank will speed up the cycle. Even with this, you'll have to be very diligent, testing the water and doing appropriate water changes, possibly daily for the first few days. A product like Amquel+ can also help.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by erifish3
Can inverts carry ich?
They can not 'host' Ich but any wet rock and inverts..can 'carry' Ich. That is why many advocate QT for everything that has a wet surface before putting it into one's DT.
If you do use copper, use Cupramine with the copper testing kit from the same manufacturer. Personally, I would consider hyposalinity of the DT, moving any inverts out to a HT during the treament. You will lose some of the beneficial 'critters' that live in the live rock but you will not lose your nitrogen cycle bacteria. If you use copper you will lose some/all of the 'good' bacteria.

noah's nemo


Originally Posted by Al Mc
They can not 'host' Ich but any wet rock and inverts..can 'carry' Ich. That is why many advocate QT for everything that has a wet surface before putting it into one's DT.
If you do use copper, use Cupramine with the copper testing kit from the same manufacturer. Personally, I would consider hyposalinity of the DT, moving any inverts out to a HT during the treament. You will lose some of the beneficial 'critters' that live in the live rock but you will not lose your nitrogen cycle bacteria. If you use copper you will lose some/all of the 'good' bacteria.
This is so overlooked! Glad you said it.Everyone should be aware of this and QT everything.I,like many others have learned this the HARD way...
Beths thread is right above this one,its a sticky and is always the first and second threads.Good read,everyone should give it a look


Last night and this morning, my lion showed no signs of having ich, this evening he has a few white specs that came back and my angel looks clean. Any ideas?

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by erifish3
Last night and this morning, my lion showed no signs of having ich, this evening he has a few white specs that came back and my angel looks clean. Any ideas?
Very common. Only part of the life cycle of the parasite lives on, and is visible on, the fish host. So, it may 'appear' that the parasite comes and goes. However, until treated, it will be present (and multiplying) in your system.

noah's nemo

Al MC,you sound like you may have dealt with this before
,and learned the hard way,as myself and so many others have.
erifish,ich got into your system,it sucks.It is now there and ALWAYS will be,unless you empty your tank of all fish,treat them with hypo or copper,or let your DT fallow for 6 weeks or more.Your inverts can stay,they can carry ich but ich can't host inverts,without a host it will die off. I did this about a year ago,it works ..... Also,just noticed your stock and tank size,theres alot of stress going on in there,i'm not going to tell you to get rid of any fish,but you better kill this ich,because it comes back bigger and badder everytime.Good luck man

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I don’t know it just sounded good. Or I could of heard it somewhere OR if we go by the definition of hosting One who receives and then we look at the life cycle of ick it just may make sense. of course i am not talking about the ick parasite in its parasitic stage

noah's nemo

Well ,lets just say without a proper host(fish),ich will DIE trying to find just that,a proper host....Leave a DT fishless 6+ weeks and you SHOULD be safe.I did mine for 8 weeks over a year ago.No outbreaks since

Oh yeah and ,QT everything!


Active Member
Ich can be on any object during it's Tomont stage. That is when they adhere to a surface, encapsulate and reproduce. If you move an object from one tank to another, and these encapsulations are on that object, you are transferring the Ich via another means other than a fish.
Those encapsulations with rupture, spewing babies that will host a fish if one is available. If there is no fish, the cycle is over.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
Ich can be on any object during it's Tomont stage. That is when they adhere to a surface, encapsulate and reproduce. If you move an object from one tank to another, and these encapsulations are on that object, you are transferring the Ich via another means other than a fish.
Those encapsulations with rupture, spewing babies that will host a fish if one is available. If there is no fish, the cycle is over.
so we are in agreement in reference to my post #14