Problem with lionfish.


New Member
I am having a similar problem with my lionfish. First it was not eating, so i tried live food, i gave him small guppies... suddenly they wer all gone, few hours later my p. volitans seemd stressed in the bottom of the tank breathing a bit faster than usual, his belly its pretty big, and seems to have some discoloration. is he unable to digest the guppies? what can i do? this happend few hours ago, and im geting worried. water chemistry i fine, my clowns are doing well, tilapias and other tank mates. any tips with my lionfish?


New Member
yes, know te discoloration its growing more, ive noticed he gets hicups and i dont think he can poop, and his dorsal fins seem to be non erected...


Can you give us some more info? How long have you had this lion? How many guppies did you give him? How had he been acting before this?


Staff member
I copies this topic over to the Aggressive Forum as well, so check there.


New Member
scince this very morning, i gave him 3 female guppies i think i gave him too much(i was scared he wasent eating anything) and know is loosing coloration and his spines arent erected, hes breathing a bit fast, his belly its big, and i think he tryes to poop but he cant... T-T i had him for 2 weeks... clowns for 1 month and tilapias for 1 year... switched from fresh water to salt water a month ago... so i dont have much experience in salt water life.
i dont wanna look ahead... any tips ><?


New Member
couldent remmember my acc, i have a large filter with 3 spunges and 3 waterfalls for 70 gallon tank, and a small oxigen pump for 40 gallon tank there both aqua~clear i believe, scince i have 4 fishes in a 70 gallon is pretty clean.

I just came to US, so im trying my best.


Active Member
I posted this in your other thread, too.
I know you said they were fine, but please list these parameters so we can check. I'm concerned about the fact that you've just switched the tank over from fresh water so recently.
1) Salinity
2) Ammonia
3) Nitrite
4) Nitrate
5) Temperature
6) pH


Originally Posted by MX#28
I posted this in your other thread, too.
I know you said they were fine, but please list these parameters so we can check. I'm concerned about the fact that you've just switched the tank over from fresh water so recently.
1) Salinity
2) Ammonia
3) Nitrite
4) Nitrate
5) Temperature
6) pH
We absolutely need to know these
What are you using to measure salinity?