Problem with lionfish.


New Member
I am having a similar problem with my lionfish. First it was not eating, so i tried live food, i gave him small guppies... suddenly they wer all gone, few hours later my p. volitans seemd stressed in the bottom of the tank breathing a bit faster than usual, his belly its pretty big, and seems to have some discoloration. is he unable to digest the guppies? what can i do? this happend few hours ago, and im geting worried. water chemistry i fine, my clowns are doing well, tilapias and other tank mates. any tips with my lionfish?


New Member
yes, know te discoloration its growing more, ive noticed he gets hicups and i dont think he can poop, and his dorsal fins seem to be non erected...


Can you give us some more info? How long have you had this lion? How many guppies did you give him? How had he been acting before this?


Staff member
I copied this topic over to the Aggressive Forum, so also check there.


New Member
before i gave him the 3 guppies, the lion was swiming around with open fins around the 70 galon tank (i only have 3 fishes in), i switched from fresh to salt water tank a month ago, i have had 2 clowns(big) very healthy scince i switched, and 2 weeks ago i decided to buy a lionfish p. volitans (not so big), scine i bought him he hasent been eating anything at all, he tryed to chase pellets but it seemd he ignored it, so i bought some live food (guppies). After a while he ate the threee guppies that i left in the tank, coming from school this very morning i saw him half body discolored with his fins non-erected on the bottom next to some rocks and sand, i checked the water chemistry and it was all as its suposed to be, and i found it weird that the others were very healthy and swiming around looking for food... exept the lion.
After 4 hours i saw him acting rare, he was having some kind of hic-cups, and i noticed his belly was big so i think it had to be something with the guppies, his breathing rhythm seems to be faster than usual, and know his whole body is discolored, exept his head, could someone give me a hand, i dont wanna look ahead... ive had bad experience with large kois and i dont wanna loose this pretty fella.


Active Member
Originally Posted by darkcovas
some tilapias live in fresh and salt water/both :) there cool...

Cool, indeed. I didn't realize that a few species could survive in some degree of saltwater.
I know you said they were fine, but please list these parameters so we can check
1) Salinity
2) Ammonia
3) Nitrite
4) Nitrate
5) Temperature
6) pH


Active Member
It isn't unusual at all for a Volitan to just sit and digest a big meal; totally changing his demeanor and even their coloration.IME, many lions change color somewhat after a big "pig out"; but mine usually darken. I'm sure someone will be along who has experienced the discoloration you're describing. But, get him off the guppies ASAP, FW feeders are the worst long-term food for lions. Search this forum and you'll find plenty of advice on how to wean him.


Originally Posted by darkcovas
before i gave him the 3 guppies, the lion was swiming around with open fins around the 70 galon tank (i only have 3 fishes in), i switched from fresh to salt water tank a month ago, i have had 2 clowns(big) very healthy scince i switched, and 2 weeks ago i decided to buy a lionfish p. volitans (not so big), scine i bought him he hasent been eating anything at all, he tryed to chase pellets but it seemd he ignored it, so i bought some live food (guppies). After a while he ate the threee guppies that i left in the tank, coming from school this very morning i saw him half body discolored with his fins non-erected on the bottom next to some rocks and sand, i checked the water chemistry and it was all as its suposed to be, and i found it weird that the others were very healthy and swiming around looking for food... exept the lion.
After 4 hours i saw him acting rare, he was having some kind of hic-cups, and i noticed his belly was big so i think it had to be something with the guppies, his breathing rhythm seems to be faster than usual, and know his whole body is discolored, exept his head, could someone give me a hand, i dont wanna look ahead... ive had bad experience with large kois and i dont wanna loose this pretty fella.
If you just bought him two weeks ago and fed him 3 guppies then he should not be acting like this. Three guppies is a snack to a fuzzy let alone a volitan. What is your SG? How did you acclimate this fish? Please also post your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, Kh, and temp. What do you have for water movement? Please understand that your brackish fish, that have now been acclimated to salt, are now in a saltwater setup. Volitan lions are not brackish fish. They are saltwater fish and will not live in lower salinities. They will not meet you halfway. They are saltwater fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
If you just bought him two weeks ago and fed him 3 guppies then he should not be acting like this. Three guppies is a snack to a fuzzy let alone a volitan. What is your SG? How did you acclimate this fish? Please also post your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, Kh, and temp. What do you have for water movement? Please understand that your brackish fish, that have now been acclimated to salt, are now in a saltwater setup. Volitan lions are not brackish fish. They are saltwater fish and will not live in lower salinities. They will not meet you halfway. They are saltwater fish.
Yeah, after re-reading everything, I just don't know what kind of set up you have....posting sepulatians params will hopefully get you some help.


Active Member
If you just changed from fresh to salt a month ago then your tank is probably still cycling. The clowns may not be showing any effects. Or, as previously stated, it may just be chilling and digesting a meal. If your levels are ok then I wouldn't worry unless the condition lasts a couple days.