Problem with Maroon clown


I have a maroon clown which seemed to be hiding alot and not coming out for food. When i coaxed her out from behind the rocks i found this. Any help would be appreciated.



Staff member
Never ever take a fish out of water just for a picture. The risks of injury and bacterial infection is extremely high, just to net a fish, let alone lay him on something (is that towel, or carpet?).
Please describe what noticed. How long have you had this fish?


I have had the fish for about a month. Was eating and doing great. It looks like raised areas with white bordering a hole. The hole doesnt look like it goes all the way through. It looks llike one of my other fish is developing a similar symptom. A white spot starting to make a hole? He is still feeding though.
water is
0 am
0 ni
40 nitrate
temp 78
sal 1.022


Staff member
Wat kind of set up do you have? I'm thinking it may be aggression, especially with another fish coming down with the same problem. Is the hole bloody, as in a wound?


I dont think its aggresion. Its a 75g with the clown, two gobies, a marine betta, one YT damsel, a coral beauty, and a majestic angel who is the one with the wound. Never see anyone attacking or even chasing anyone. But if you are right how do i proceed. And if its not aggresion how do i proceed.


Sorry, not bloody. A couple of days ago just looked like a raised area, then raised with a whitish outer ring, and now a hole with a whitish inside no longer raised. If that makes any sense.