Problem with Stockman Standpipe.


Well not to argue, but if you can put a 1.5" coupling in the overflow, why cant you put a 1.25" pipe in there? it is smaller than your coupling...
It seems to me that your standpipe can not stay ahead of your drain.... if that makes sense... kind of like a funnel, if the funnel is full liquid drains out nice and quiet, if it is only partially full it makes sounds... you need more volumn in your standpipe so that it can keep up with the amount draining to your sump. With the durso standpipe you use a 1.25" to 1" reducer at the bulkhead fitting, the rest can be as compact or short as you need it to be. Im sure your stockman standpipe will work the same way if you increase the size by .25".
You said it wont fit, Im assuming you have fit tested it to make sure it wont fit?
By looking at your pic of the overflow box and the standpipe, there appears to be plenty of room between the box and pipe where the 1.5" coupling is. Just my opinion.


Active Member
yeah there enough room for the stockman, but the durso is a no go. only cause with T valve and a 90 degree street elbow. theres not enough room. should i make the pipes from a 1.25" pipe. this will bring more flow. what about removing the teeth on my overflowbox to add more water in there.
i did try the durso standpipes no good


maybe this will help on mine I could not get enough air with only one air valve. I added a second one and played around with adjustin them for a bit and it became compleatly silant..good luck


Active Member
i got the noise down pretty good i will try the two air lines in the end caps. i just cant get enough flow. if i open my valve it drains the sump to quick.