

Active Member
I have some purple stuff on my sand and plants
%. i was wondering if u guys knew anything about this. Any help would be great. Thanks


New Member
Sounds like slime algae. Use Saltwater Maracyn at half dose. Will get rid of problem overnight. Maracyn is safe to use with all marine inhabitants if used at half dose.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NOTAFISHEXPERT
Sounds like slime algae. Use Saltwater Maracyn at half dose. Will get rid of problem overnight. Maracyn is safe to use with all marine inhabitants if used at half dose.
thanks soooooo much!!!!!!!!! now i can finnally get rid of that slime!


Maracyn kills the biological bacteria, and any other good bacteria/microscopic organisms, in the tank. What kind of algae is this? Does it look slimy or is it hard? What are your water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, sg, and temp? What all is in the tank?


New Member
Just curious, Sepulation, have you tried using Maracyn, I would like to know if you have personal experience with using the product and what the outcome was. If it is slime algae that is really a bacteria, which Maracyn will take care of overnight with very very little adverse affects to the reef or fish tank itself.


Originally Posted by NOTAFISHEXPERT
Just curious, Sepulation, have you tried using Maracyn, I would like to know if you have personal experience with using the product and what the outcome was. If it is slime algae that is really a bacteria, which Maracyn will take care of overnight with very very little adverse affects to the reef or fish tank itself.
I have not had a reason to use it. I do a lot of research though. I am sure that you feel experience pulls more weight than research, and I agree on that. However, Maracyn is an anti-biotic. It kills bacteria, both desirable and undesirable. The causes for the slime algae have to be looked at here.


Active Member
sep, it seems to me that if maracyn kills all the bacteria in a system, then it has the potential to make your tank cycle again or crash from ammonia, right? sorry, not trying to hijack, just seems kind of risky.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I have not had a reason to use it. I do a lot of research though. I am sure that you feel experience pulls more weight than research, and I agree on that. However, Maracyn is an anti-biotic. It kills bacteria, both desirable and undesirable. The causes for the slime algae have to be looked at here.
Hate to do it but I have to agree with Sepulatian

Do nothing if you just started tank most likely part of new tank algal cycle
If it dose not go away in 2-3 weeks then look for a fix.


Originally Posted by alix2.0
sep, it seems to me that if maracyn kills all the bacteria in a system, then it has the potential to make your tank cycle again or crash from ammonia, right? sorry, not trying to hijack, just seems kind of risky.
Correct. That is why you should only use it in a fully cycled Qt with added circulation. A lot of the biological filtration will die. If you use it in an uncycled Qt then the spikes will be very high.


Originally Posted by GeoJ
Hate to do it but I have to agree with Sepulatian

Do nothing if you just started tank most likely part of new tank algal cycle
If it dose not go away in 2-3 weeks then look for a fix.
You hate to agree with me? Since when?