

New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank with sufficient lighting for corals, yet, they die over the course of 1-2 months. My water quality has been checked by me many times, and taken to my LFS to ensure quality, and apparently, its immaculate.
My problem is something I cant see, I thought it was bristle worms, but with some research and questions on here, found that they do not eat coral. Like I said before, my tanks water is awesome, and I have great lighting that's specifically meant for corals. I also ad the calcium and ph/alka accordingly, along with doses of phytoplankton to feed them.
Any Ideas?

eric b 125

what kind of lighting do you have? whats your stocklist? what kind of flow do you have? how old are your bulbs?


New Member
Im not sure on the lighting, I cant really check it at the moment, they are really hot, but I do know when I bought them I did alot of research and talked to expierenced people and bought the proper lighting. The bulbs arent even 1 year old.
I have good medium flow, I have 2 pumps in total. Ive got my high and low flow spots here and there.
My stock consist of 2 clowns, 1 cardinal, 1 six line wrasse, and a pigmy reef angel.
Im not wanting a ton of coral, just a few here and there.


A little more information on the tank would be helpful. To start with, actual water paramters for salinity, pH, amm., Nitrite, Nitrate, Calcium, Alkalinity, and Phospahate.
Also, what type of filtration do you have? Do you run a skimmer? What kind? How much live rock? Sump? Any other specifics on your setup?
Finally, what kind of corals have you tried? Some corals are much more delicate than others and may have a hard time surviving even in the hands of "experts". With some of this information I am sure that we can help you figure out what is going on.


Active Member
If you say your lights are hot, and you talked with people before you bought them. I guess you have metal halide. Also reading you post you insinuate that you have coral and are having a problem??
So again to guess, I think you are shocking them with the lighting. Are they lossing color? Are they receding?
You say the water is perfect?? What does that mean? Your ALK levels could be causing your corals to receed.


Active Member
It is critical to start with much more about your tank set up and such, including specific parameters with alk and calcium. Do not continue to add calcium and alk unless you are testing for it. Also flow, filtration...some info on lighting :) What kind of corals, etc. How often you do water changes...
2 pumps in a 55 g tank is actually not all that much. I have 3 pumps and two returns from filters in my 45 which is a foot shorter...and I am probably pretty low on flow for corals. So, definitely a lot to review to answer this.