

Ok, i just finished testing my water.. here is my results.
Salinity- 1.026
temp- 78.9
Ph- 7.8
Ammonia- 0
phosphate- .4
calcium- 600
My ph is low, and calcium is really high
.. i think phosphates are ok..
My problem is.. how do you lower calcium levels, and raise ph safely.. I have been using purple up maybe once a week, and have been adding the seachem reef essentials kit ( carbonate,vitamin & amino supplement,calcium) maybe once a week also. i have a 75 gallon and 35 sump so i figured in the water and it is 3 cap fulls.. it has been like this for a couple of weeks now. when i noticed that calcium levels was high i stopped using the Purpleup and Calcium hoping that things would level out, but they have not.. Any suggestions..


Active Member
do some water changes with a quality salt mix and stop adding purple up. Everything you need will be in a quality brand salt mix; reef crystals, red sea coral pro etc. With the proper water change routine additives really wont be necessary.
For corline algae growth all you have to do is wait. Most likely you will soon have more than you want. There are a lot of "gimmick" products associated with this hobby but don't feel bad we have all been suckered into buying at least a few. Some can cause more problems than anything else which is what I suspect happened with your dosing of purple up.
It could be worse though. Take up golf if you want to see the ultimate in gimmick product offerings guaranteed to turn ya into tiger woods. Makes me wonder how some of these stupid old farts I see playing ever managed to end up with the type of money they so carelessly throw around. Must be "old money".


Originally Posted by earlybird
What is your alk? Purple up will raise your calcium and throw off your alkalinity which affect pH.

That is the only test that i do not have.. I will be getting that one tonight and let ya know...