Problems with 2 Corals

blue dew

This is a picture of my Trumpet Coral. It started out as a small frag with 2 heads that I bought about 4-5 months ago. I recently switched the whole contents of my 30 gallon tank to my new 40 gallon Breeder setup with Sump/Fuge. Also upgraded my lighting from 3x96 watt VHOs to 2x96 watt VHO and one 250 watt MH. I've slowly brought the MH up to 4 hours a day.
Anyway, the Trumpet has these thread like things growing on the branch area, kinda like a white fungus. Any ideas? The coral extends its feeder tentacles at night, like normal. I know leather corals can get a wax like buildup on their surface and I've seen mine do it now twice, but this looks different. Should I be worried about this?
Tank Parameters are:
PH: 8.1 (Never been higher since I started either tank)
SG: 1.025
ALK: 9.6
Cal: 360 (Raising slowley with Bi-Ionic, looking to start Kalkwasser once I have the levels stable)
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: .05 to 1

blue dew

Heres the second coral, a small Hammer Frag. I recently moved this one from about halfway up my rock (6-7 inches below the water surface and 14-16 inches from my MH bulb). It doesn't "inflat" nowhere near what it was right after I bought it. Its been in the tank about 30 days now. Today it seems to be a bit better and I'm going to try feeding it tonight with an eyedropper and some Phytoplankton (the Kent stuff, havn't found DTs down my way yet). I'm just worried about this one. The head on the left side appears to be doing better than the other one.
The other corals in my tank are doing well. I have the following:
Yellow Polyps
Green Zoos
4 different mushroom coral variteis
Sand polyps
Open Brain
I'd certainly appreciate any help I can get.


might just need some time to adjust to the move and the more intense lighting. give it a little time and make sure there is no recession in the tissue of your corals.

blue dew

No, don't think your hi-jacking at all, I appreciate the help!
I like my 40 Breeder a lot, especially the extra width it gives me. One of the major reasons I upgraded was so I could have a "beach" area, in particular for a Open Brain coral. I actually have room for a small clam or two, once my tank settles in some more and I get the calcium up above 400.
My MH bulb is about 8 inches above the water. I built a case for it and the two VHO bulbs, and have it resting on the top of the tank. It isn't as wide as the tank so I have about 3 inches open in front and back for some air to surface contact. I also put 2 4" fans in the ends, each blowing out of the enclosure. My temp stays right at 77 degree all the time (Keep the apartment at 75 degrees).
I had a much harder time with the 30 keeping it cool, but it had an enclosed canopy, the 3 96 watt VHOs and the room it was in got a lot more sun than the dinning room where the 40 is now located.
Thanks again for the help