Problems with corals PLEASE ADVISE


Hi, i just put my new metal halides on yesterday and it seems that my corals seem to not open really. All my lps's are open HUGE, but my sps's seem to not be open(the shiny pollops) Especially my maroon pocillopora, and montipora digitata. Are they trying to acclimate themselves?? I had 335 watts of pc lighting half 10k, half actinic. Now i have 2 175 10k and 2 55 watt pc actinic + 144 pc actinic. So the spectrums are the same. Someone shed some light lol :D


I have heard that you need to acclimate the corals to the additional light. Maybe creating a new lighting plan would help. Just run the MH's for a couple hours a day slowly increasing them.