Problems with Koran


New Member
I have had a Juv. Koran for about 8 months now and has been doing fine up until about 2 weeks ago. About 2 weeks ago he decide not to eat any more. I got a bit worried that he stopped eating, but his condition and health looked fine.
Yesterday he did not look good at all. Breathing heavy, a few spots that are white (not ick) on his body and tail that look like they are missing scales or the color has disappeared, and his tail and fins seem to be frayed. I don't think any of his tank mates did the fins because the fraying is so symmetrical...evenly frayed.
I have tryed several different foods and he just won't eat. It doesn't appear to be a bacterial or parasite infection, so I didn't want to put him in a hostpital tank and use meds. I have also noticed that he always keeps his mouth open and never closes it. He has gotten to the point where he just wedges himself in between some rocks and just lays there.
Does anyone have any advice on what I can do? I'd really like to save this guy, he is such a good looking fish.


New Member
I probably don't do water changes as often as I should. I do about 10% every 3-4 weeks.
Water conditions are good. PH8-8.2 Am-0 trites-0 trates- 0-5. SG 1.023 and I keep the temp at 77.
I am using a Prizm skimmer.
When he was eating I was feeding him Frozen brine, formaula 1, and formaula 2 soaked in Zoe.
I do have Maracyn or should I definitely use Maracyn2?


New Member
He didn't make it. I got home last night from work and he did look a little better, after being in the hospital take for 24 hours. His color looked better and the white spots looked like they were starting to disappear, but he was still breathing heavy. I tested the water and the readings were still fine. I put more maracyn in the take for the second night's dose. I went to bed and he looked alright, but when I got up this morning he was dead.