problems with my Hippo Tang


My hippo tang has a few white spots all over its body that keeps coming back. My husband placed it in a hospital tank with Copper for a week or so and did a couple of fresh water dips. When it was spot free for a few days he placed her back with the other fish who are not afffected at all and the spots came back. Has anyone ever had this happen and what can we do? :help:


My regals get white spots all the time I think they might be scratchs from the liverock. Because of there nature of just laying in the rockwork. they come and go but regal tangs are very sensitive to water quality and can easily develope ick which looks like sugar granules. and may be raised up.


Active Member
Your display tank has ich and every time you put the hippo back it will manifest again. Other fish in display may be immune to showing signs of ich but hippo , as many tangs, is an ich magnet.
You must hypo/quarentine/ or copper all fish and leave the display fishless for 6-8 weeks. Or if you do not have L/R or L/S or corals/anenomes, you can use your display tank as a big Q tank and treat all fish by gradually lowering salinity 1.009.


Originally Posted by Harmon
My hippo tang has a few white spots all over its body that keeps coming back. My husband placed it in a hospital tank with Copper for a week or so and did a couple of fresh water dips. When it was spot free for a few days he placed her back with the other fish who are not afffected at all and the spots came back. Has anyone ever had this happen and what can we do? :help:

the best treatment will be hypo (better then cooper) and do not put cooper in the main tank.
even when you see spot free the source of the ick still exists in the main tank and in the fish.