Problems with the LFS


New Member
So, my fiance and I went to Uncle Bill's in Greenwood tonight (like we do multiple times every week) and this time it was honestly very disappointing. We were gonna stock up on saltwater, add new LR to one of our tanks and buy a new reef testing kit. Also, when we go in, you never know what kind of frag/s we may decide to pick up for my biocube. There was only one other couple in the fish room and 2 guys working. People started showing up after we did and they were being helped first. We're regulars, they know us, and we're usually not in a hurry but we waited for nearly 45 minutes and never received any service. We grabbed our test kit and headed to the cash register.
Once there, there were 3 people standing around talking and one girl working the register. So of course, it took awhile to get out. I let the manager who was working know how I felt and she offered to go get the things we needed, but I declined. I don't believe that we should have to complain just to get adequate service when we're planning to make over a hundred dollar purchase.
We are in this place so often, we know the people by name and they know us. It's just frustrating when you spend thousands of dollars in a place and are a returning customer and can't even get someone to help you. We may go back to peruse, but I think we're going to be taking our business elsewhere.


I have had the same thing happen to me at one of my LFS's. I realized the reasoning behind the non service was due to me being in the store so much and so often that they no longer seen a need to service me since i knew what i wanted anyways. I had a long talk with the owners about it and i did take most of my businees else where. they are still upset with me. I agree that if your going to be a customer and spend rediculous ammounts of money then you should be helped. Maybe this is the reason why so meny have started to shop online instead of LFS's


New Member
I had a similar.
i had already spent about 2000 that month (jan) and went in when noone was in store to get rock.
The owner was on the phone, 20 minutes later, still on the phone, 45 minutes later, still on the phone and watching me pace. He was on the phone with his wife.
After 45 minutes, I went outside to smoke, when i tried to go back in, he had locked the door! I banged and banged until he let me in, told him how I felt, and didn't return for a month.
That wasn't the first time though, he would also help other customers that came in after me for the previous times leading up to the above mentioned night. 30 minute waits with no service...
i hope he missed my business, but i did find another really neat lfs, which now gets most of my business anyway.
im not a big fan of the southside uncle bills. the east side is really good and premium aquatics on hanna is supposed to be amazing, with fiji liverock cure for 4.59 and over 40 lbs for 3.99. amazing deal...i would say the reef is good but i dont trust some of their products.. alot of died fish in their tanks...i would visit premium aquatics website and maybe start going there.


New Member
We haven't ever really had a problem with the Uncle Bill's on the southside. They've always been helpful until now. As for the east side, I've never seen any impressive livestock there. When I've gone in and asked to see their selection of frags, they point me towards their tiny biocube.
They do seem to have some good LR, if you can overlook the apastasia. The coral and invertebrate tanks at the one on the west side are pretty nice. Never had any trouble there.
We do frequent Premium Aquatics. We were actually discussing it on the way home and decided that we would just keep going there and Extreme Aquarium, since both are very impressive and affordable (if you can call anything in our hobby affordable). I would recommend them to anyone! We like to visit The Reef, but usually just buy equipment there.
Anyway, it's ridiculous that reliable customers are ignored. I was pretty heated when we got home. Now I'm just kind of bummed because we live just around the corner and running to the pet store is always an exciting little mini-date for us.
yea i feel ya on the ingoring frequent in the southside often because my parents live in southport and buy their stuff from there. and east side frags are terrible... ive never been to extreme where is it located


New Member
Extreme Aquarium takes walk-ins on Saturdays from 11-3, every other day is by appointment only. It's run by a couple guys who just enjoy the hobby and get together to do it for fun. They're very nice and very knowledgeable!
Take Michigan Road up to 106th Street. Turn left onto 106th. Go around a few little curves until you come to a stop sign. Turn right at the stop sign and it's located in a building to your left. It's in the very front. They have great coral! I bought some gorgeous orange/blue rics there for $16 a mouth, I think.
On the opposite side of things, when I see regulars come in I don't always ask if they need help right away because I know they want to look around and catch up with any new stuff. Even with new customers I don't immediately ask if they need help because A) I find it really annoying when I'm in a store and somebody immediately asks me if I need help B) When people get there its a giant wall of fish, its not like they're going to immediately know exactly what they want.
Not that it makes up for what happened to you or anything pr that you were wrong, just giving a little different perspective


Sorry to hear about your bad experience at your LFS, hope you find one that suits you.
I am pretty happy with my local LFS, many say the prices are little high, but I always get good deals anyhow and am able to trade some frags fro credit every now and then. As far as service, its great, I spend too much time there though, almost 5 hours today. Kinda happens when you know the owners well enough to just hang around for a while and chat. I don't much ask for too much service and if I need anything when it is too busy I just ask for a price and am trusted enought to bag it fro myself. My business stays there because of the great advice and amount of knowledge I have picked up there, not to mention I can prettty much get whatever corals I am looking for ordered in.
I have never ordered anything online besides dry goods and I enjoy the way things are at my LFS enough to say they have my business for all livestock, other than what I trade or get from local reefers. Plus I enjoy just being able to look at the corals I am buying in person, something you can't appreciate in pictures online.
i know how it is...I live but 5 minutes from uncle bills and the same thing happened to me and my dad last weekend...
The Reef? Where is that?
And I love Premium Aquatics! They have friendly staff and their prices are great. I usually just go to P.A. to get coral...but go to U.B. to get dry goods and things needed for emergencies...
And most of the coral at U.B. is overpriced...I like their frags though...I got a little Zoa for $4 once...I've also learned not to go on the weekends.
Also, where is Extreme Aquatics?


New Member
Originally Posted by Charred Salad
i know how it is...I live but 5 minutes from uncle bills and the same thing happened to me and my dad last weekend...
The Reef? Where is that?
And I love Premium Aquatics! They have friendly staff and their prices are great. I usually just go to P.A. to get coral...but go to U.B. to get dry goods and things needed for emergencies...
And most of the coral at U.B. is overpriced...I like their frags though...I got a little Zoa for $4 once...I've also learned not to go on the weekends.
Also, where is Extreme Aquatics?
I put the directions to Extreme Aquarium up above. It's located just north of Indy in Zionsville. The frags at the Uncle Bill's in Fishers and on the westside (on 38th Street) are $10. They're usually pretty nice. The Reef is located at the corner of 56th and Keystone. Gotta watch out for their sign, sometimes we'll be looking for it and still drive right by.