Problems with toadstool

I got a new toadstool this past Saturday and it opened right away. It seemed fine for the first few days. Yesterday and today it has been closed all day long. Is this type of ajustment normal? Open then go into a closed state. Could use help from some stool keepers. Thanks.


this happens alot and is completly normal for them to not open for DAYS at a time but just to be safe whats your water parimiters and lighting?

nm reef

Active Member
I've had one for a long time and it'll still close up now and then. Sometimes for a few days at a time.
Lots of things can cause it....with a new addition it may just be adjusting to your conditions. Insure good stable water chemistry...adaquate lighting...and a moderate should be fine.


Active Member
Its common thing for leather corals mines took 2 weeks to open up but they always seem to look like they are dying but they always adjusting.
My Alk is a little high at 5.5 meq and the Ca is at 8.1...I checked Nitrates last week and it was between 1 an 2. did a water change just before adding the stool on Sat.


My toad did the same thing when I got it. It's just getting used to the new environment.
I read on a different board that they hate phosphate removing resins. Has anyone heard of this? I'm using a poly filter pad.