Project 300 is underway!!!


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After almost a year of planning, purchasing, and getting past some unexpected obstacles, the work on my dream inwall setup has finally started!
The original plan was to put a 150g inwall with a fishroom, and I got so far as actually having the tank and most of the equipment for it. Some hassles with the sale of our old house made it difficult to keep the tank and most of the equipment (no space to store it and finances), so I had to sell most of it off, and crammed everything into a 29g.
Fast forward several months and my wife and I are comfortably settled into our new (to us) tri-level house with a corner in the lower level crying out for a large inwall tank. The plan then morphed into an acrylic tank in the 250g range to fit the space. I was getting ready to place an order for a tank when I stumbled across a 300g system for sale locally that included everything I was about to start piecing together, including livestock.
The system was picked up this past weekend, and the first part of the project was to create a temporary living space for the livestock. So last Friday I set up a pair of 100g Rubbermaid stock tanks to hold all 400 lbs. of LR, all of the coral (mixed; and some of the colonies are the size of a serving plate!), and several large tangs (Yellow, Purple, Hippo, Foxface, and a 9-year old Desjardani Sailfin). I'll have some pictures of the temporary setup and some of the corals up later this evening.
The tank is currently sitting in the garage awaiting a cleaning and needs to be carried downstairs before construction can start. I had hoped to be underway already, but a sudden death in the family and work demands (it's Easter week and I run sound for a church!) have slowed me down. The hope is to have the system completed by mid-April. I'll post some pics and more specifics about the system later this evening.


Member completly read my mind. we are trying to sell our house and simataneously trying to nail down the plans for our new one (i'm a draftsman ((and would be done if it weren't for my lovely wife & dumb 'ole martha stewart)) drawing them myself). i found some cool 6'-8' long tanks on another site i visit, and have the fish room like you talked about, already scaled out, including tile floors with a drain (no wet carpets). i know you have some construction to do, but i hope your plannig on putting up some pictures here. i'm going to try to when we get started. anyways.......good luck, and i'll be in touch.


Active Member

Originally posted by widowmaker completly read my mind. we are trying to sell our house and simataneously trying to nail down the plans for our new one (i'm a draftsman ((and would be done if it weren't for my lovely wife & dumb 'ole martha stewart)) drawing them myself). i found some cool 6'-8' long tanks on another site i visit, and have the fish room like you talked about, already scaled out, including tile floors with a drain (no wet carpets). i know you have some construction to do, but i hope your plannig on putting up some pictures here. i'm going to try to when we get started. anyways.......good luck, and i'll be in touch.

Lots of construction is in store, and pictures will document the progress. I feel that threads detailing the stages of a setup are invaluable in that they give other reefers ideas to work with, and also allow others to give the author input along the way.
I looking forward to sharing this project with and receiving feedback along the way!


Active Member
Some of the specifics (I already have all of the equipment listed here; most of the equipment came with the system, but I already had some of it):
Tank: almost 300g (92"L x 30"W x 25"H) built out of 1/2" acrylic with a 1" top; corner overflows; built by Aqua Art Aquariums (the sytem also came to me with a custom stand and canopy that I had planned to incorporate into the construction, but are too big to fit down the stairs)
Sump & Return: 40 gallon breeder with a Little Giant return pump, possibly through 2x 1" Sea Swirls
Closed Loop Circulation: Either a Dolphin 3600gph pump through 2x 1" Sea Swirls or an Iwaki MD70RLT with 2x's eductors
Wavemaking: 2x's 1" Sea Swirls; Tunze Wavebox (I've had this on order for a few months)
Lighting: I'm not sure how this will be set up yet; I have 3x400W MH (PFO ballasts) with 6,500K Iwasaki bulbs, 2x250W MH (PFO ballasts) with 13,000K PFO bulbs, and 1x175W MH (Ice Cap ballast) with a 15,000K Coralvue bulb; 4x's 24" 75W Actinic VHO on an Ice Cap ballast.
Skimming: a combination of skimmers will probably be used; I have a DAS BX-2 needlewheel, a Turboflotor 1000, and an AquaC EV-180
Chiller: JBJ Acrtica 1/3 HP
Calcium Reactor: K2R with a second chamber added on
Top Off: Tunze Osmolator through a MRC Nilsen reactor
Controller: Neptune Aquacontroller with ALOT of X10 modules
-400 lbs. of Fiji LR
-Many, many corals; including some HUGE colonies
-Desjardini Sailfin Tang (9 years old)
-Hippo Tang
-Yellow Tang
-Purple Tang
-Ocellaris Clown
and from my current tank:
-Royal Gramma
-Yellow Clown Goby
-Darwin Clown (Black Ocellaris)
-several corals (polyps, soft, ricordea, zoanthids, LPS, and SPS)
This tank will be setup barebottom, as that's how I purchased it and the previous owner had lots of success with that method.
Lighting and skimming are still up in the air, and I'm open to any suggestions (working with what I already have and knowing that the tank only has 3 openings). Feel free to jump in with suggestions or constructive criticism along the way!


Robchuck, congrats on the new venture! And also congrats on the 9yr old tang a lot can happen in a decade so thats an acomplishment whithin itself.


Active Member

Originally posted by 57chev
Robchuck, congrats on the new venture! And also congrats on the 9yr old tang a lot can happen in a decade so thats an acomplishment whithin itself.

Thanks! But I can't take any credit for any of the livestock's health to this point. The previous owner did an amazing job caring for the animals and I've just assumed the responsibility for their well being.
Originally posted by stuckinfla

Congrats on house, tank and everything. I look foward to your updates!!!

Thanks! It's nice to finally be settled in and get started on my dream tank.


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Well, I just tried to upload a whole bunch of pictures, but I get a Database error page every time. Hopefully I'll get a chance to try again tomorrow.


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Here is a shot of the tank laying on its back in my garage awaiting a cleaning. For as dirty as the tank appears in the picture, there are almost no scratches and no signs of deflection.


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This is where the tank will be set up. That column will become one corner of the room and the tank will be viewable on the left side and the front pane.


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Here are the 2x100 gallon Rubbermaid stock tanks that everything is living in right now. You can also see my 29g reef in the background.


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Another shot. The lighting on the left is a 250W PFO 13,000K bulb and on the right is a 400W Iwasaki 6,500K.


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The Aquacontroller. I have it monitoring the mixed reef tank right now, because that's where all the other tangs are living, and I'm worried about nutrient problems.


Active Member
None of the pics of the mixed reef turned out, but just imagine a tub full of softies, a few LPS, two large acro colonies, and a few tangs.
That's it for now, and I probably won't have any more updates until early next week. I can't wait to start construction!


Active Member
Come on Rob waiting more pics!!!!!:D I know the days don't have enough hours in to get everything you need to get done!!!!