Project 300 is underway!!!


Active Member
Looks like you have your work cut out for you i bet in time it will be a very sweet set up to kick back and enjoy watching good luck on your 300 gallon hope ever thing goes will...


Active Member
I have most of the day off today, so I took the opportunity to get started on the construction of the room. I spent most of this morning cutting out the old carpeting and removing trim where drywall will eventually go. Then I got some work done on the stand this afternoon. The goal right now is to have most of the construction done by the end of this weekend.


Active Member
Here is a wide angle shot of how the room looks right now. The stand is 92"L x 30"W x 42-1/2"H to give some perspective. Drywall will go on the front of the stand and right over the paneling (there are 2x2's under the paneling that it will anchor to).
As I mentioned earlier, the front pane of the tank will sit flush against the wall, and the smaller left pane will be seen through a hole cut in the wall because the column prevents me from having the corner showing. And the entrance to the room will be on the short wall, next to the left pane.
The message board won't allow me to post photos right now, so I'll try again when I get home from work later this evening.


Active Member
A closer shot of the stand. I still need to add cripples to all of the vertical supports, put plywood on the top and the bottom for a shelf, and paint the whole thing. The front side of the stand will be part of the wall. The cripples I mentioned are basically 2x4's that will be laminated against the current vertical 2x4's and wedged between the top and bottom rings. These 2x4's will be carrying most of the weight.


Active Member
I'm about to start working in a few minutes and today's goal is to have the entire front side of the room framed and maybe even get to drywalling. I can't do any work on the short wall yet because I still need to bring the tank down and it wouldn't fit if that wall was in place.


Active Member
The stand was almost finished (still need to lay plywood on it and paint it all with Kilz), one wall was framed, and drywall went up on that wall today. I still can't work on the side wall until the tank gets moved downstairs, which should be Saturday.


Active Member
Here is what the room looks like where the entrance will be (imagine a wall, a door, and a window looking into the left pane of the tank; the laundry/utility room entrance is on the left at the back of the room):


Active Member
And UPS dropped off a nice surprise this afternoon. Now all I need is to get my hands on a couple of magnet holders so I can put it on the tank once I get water in it.


Active Member
very nice!!!!Just wondering how come you didnt center the tank on the wall you made you have it closer to the to the beam..Just wondering??


Active Member
When I first decided to build an in-wall tank (before we even purchased this house), the idea was to have the tank built into a corner so that the front and one side pane would be visible. One of my reef club's members has his tank set up that way, and it's absolutely stunning.
But when my wife and I were deciding where to place the tank in this house, this space was the only one that made sense. The column basically renders that entire area of the room as wasted space so we figured it was the best place to set up the tank room. I still wanted to have two panes visible, so the front pane will be flush with the larger wall and the left side will basically be a window cut out in the wall so that the tank can still be viewed from multiple sides. Plus, I have a really large monti cap that I plan to place in front of that "window" that will provide an area for fish to hang out underneath; I anticipate this will become my Royal Grammas new home.


Active Member
I've been able to get alot of work done the past few days. Two dedicated 20A breakers were installed over the weekend, the front wall is now all but complete, and I was able to move the tank into place last night! That means I can now start working on the side wall and door. With the progress that's been made these past few days, it looks like I'll be able to move the livestock over by the end of next week!!!


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Well, I planned to post some pics of my progress, but it looks like the server is having issues again. I'll try again in the morning.


Active Member
This is how things look from the front side right now (I put some water in the tank to help compress the styrofoam):


Active Member
And now that the tank is in place, I can start working on the side wall. A door will be placed as far to the left as possible. There will be a window cut out in this wall to see into the short left pane. I have a really big monti cap that came with the set up that I plan to place here so that it creates an overhang.