Promacanthrus13's planted FOWLR tank


Well-Known Member
Tease. Care to share more? Pics...size of tank.....yadda yadda?? Looks nice from this angle, but I'd love to see more!


Well-Known Member
As long as you have a plan for outgrowth, I see no reason to move the fish right now. Ballpark from the pic looks like the tank is 6 to 8 times the length of the fish, so for now I'll guess you're OK as long as there are no aggression issues or chemistry problems. Yeah, Blueface angels are quite pretty....but they do get quite large in the long run, so just be aware.
How does he get along with the puffer? I love Valentini puffers.....if I could I would keep one in my tank, but it's too much of a risk for a reef.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan. I would say that a minimum tank size for an adult Blueface is 120. I kept a Koran in a 110 for quite a while, and by the time I broke down the tank he was definitely the king and he let everyone else know it. Adult angels probably need that 6 foot frontspace almost as much as most tangs do.
I wouldn't mind keeping a baby angel in a 20 or 30g tank for a year or so, then swapping him out for another baby and repeating the cycle. But then, my LFS is pretty good about trading in for credit, and I know many stores wouldn't do that.
Yup. We need some fish closeups here.


Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///t/393438/promacanthrus13s-planted-fowlr-tank#post_3500080
Sounds like a plan. I would say that a minimum tank size for an adult Blueface is 120. I kept a Koran in a 110 for quite a while, and by the time I broke down the tank he was definitely the king and he let everyone else know it. Adult angels probably need that 6 foot frontspace almost as much as most tangs do.
I wouldn't mind keeping a baby angel in a 20 or 30g tank for a year or so, then swapping him out for another baby and repeating the cycle. But then, my LFS is pretty good about trading in for credit, and I know many stores wouldn't do that.
Yup. We need some fish closeups here.
blueface needs bigger than 120. I'd say 180-200g minimum


Originally Posted by Pomacanthus13 http:///t/393438/promacanthrus13s-planted-fowlr-tank#post_3500148
I just went to my LFS and they said it would be fine in this tank for at least 6 months as long as nothing becomes aggressive toward it. Then they said it needs to be transferred to a 55 gal and it would be fine in there for a long time (they have a 7 1/2"er in a 55 gallon display tank and it looks very happy, the tank is still 7 times longer than the fish) I was also told that a very large specimen can be housed in a lightly stocked 90 gal, and another online source also says that a 90 gal is sufficient.
I will try to get some pics at feeding time and I will upload later.