Proper fish diet


sinner's girl

What do you feed your fish?
I always fed my clowns and damsel frozen brine and blood worms before, it's all the lfs has anyway. But I've since read that it isn't all that good for them. So I was looking for what food(s) I should buy for my fish. just says, Diet: Pellet, Flake, Brine. But I don't know what kind of pellet or flake.
I found
Diet: Pellet, Flake, Brine
Mysis Shrimp,
Formula Two Flake
Tetra Marine Granule,
Brine Shrimp Plus
Diet: Pellet, Flake
Mysis Shrimp,
Prime Reef Flake
Tetra Marine Granule,
Brine Shrimp Plus
Diet: Pellet, Flake
Mysis Shrimp,
Prime Reef Flake
Tetra Marine Granule,
Brine Shrimp Plus
Diet: Pellet, Flake, Brine
Mysis Shrimp,
Prime Reef Flake
Freeze Dried Plankton,
Brine Shrimp Plus Flakes
I've never heard of prime reef flakes....
I've heard of Formula One, but is it good for these fish?
the fish I plan to buy are:
midas blenny
3 Blue Reef Chromis (not sure on these)
purple pseudo
If you recomend a food, can you tell me where to get it?


Brine have very little nutritional value if any. It's more like feeding candy. I would try some frozen Miss shrimp. I usally feed my fish a mixture chopped miss, alege blocks, and flake. This seems to work good.

sinner's girl

okay, what kind of flakes?
And I have seaweed, do I still need algea blocks?
anyone else?


Check on beth's home made food, she gives directions on what she adds! If you search my posts, I made an error and maybe you can learn from it. Just remember not to feed too much. search my user ID, I am sorry, I don't know how to place that link in here
Her diet consists of mixed raw seafood, (shrimp, scallops, squid, non oily fishes) then you can add cyclopeeze, zoe, and a small heeping of garlic! Opihura gave her recipe of what she uses too. Basically you would use a small food processor and blend, freeze and feed!!
search "I messed up on home made food" something like that.

sinner's girl

I remember the post where you messed up, don't remember what you did though. I don't have a food processor though. The seafood I can find, where would I find cyclopeeze and zoe? Thanks.
Oh, and to insert a link, just click on the little earth the figure 8 thing, 10th button.