Proper Light Height above tank


Is there any set standard for the height of power compacts above the top of the tank. I'm in the process of upgrading from a 55 to a 75 RR (thanks ----!) which already had a home made hood but it seems so tall. The lights sit 14" above the top of the tank. Would like to rebuild the hood and keep the lights 6 to 8 inches above the top of the tank.
Any thoughts or suggestions??
i think personally PC's would be better 6-8 inches. I have heard however that the light spectrum does not decrease as the light cuts through air, only as it cuts through water. If your using metal halides though u might want them higher HTH


I had the same problem with my lights. They sat too high so I built this light cage. As you will see it is for VHO but I am sure you could do the same for PC lights. Here is the link to my post.
My light post link


Thanks for all your help! I'm new to PC's and wasn't sure of the degradation issues.
Thanks Again!


Active Member
I would just put the lights as high as the canopy and if your corals look like they can use more light then move them down after a week or so. PC's can put out significant heat so to close and then you can run into the water temp issue.