Proper parameters?


Hi all...i'm cycling my tank right now and i was wondering what the proper perameters for a Fish and reef tank would be? just want to know what the right ones are so when i test my water i can be sure. thanks in advance!!!!


Active Member
After your tank is done cycling, you want: pH: 8.0-8.4alkalinity: 2.86 - 4.29 or dkH: 8-12
: 0 ppm
: 0 ppm
: as close to 0 as possible, at least under 10 is where you want it for reef, at least under 20 is where you want it for FOWLR
: 77-82 (stability is key here)
specific gravity
: 1.025
: 400-450 ppm
: 1290-1350 ppm


thanks for the reply...
pH: 7.8 -- Is this too low? How do i raise it?

alkalinity: will test 2morrow
ammonia: 0 ppm
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 0
temperature: 81 Stable. Would it be better if i lower it? how can i lower it?

specific gravity: 1.029
calcium: will test tomorrow
magnesium: will test tomorrow
cal and alk and mag will have to wait till tomorrow because i have yet to buy a test kit for those.
thanks again for the help!!!


Active Member
Yes, that pH is a little low. I would need to know what your alk and calcium is before I advise you how to get the pH higher. pH is dependent on alkalinity and calcium.


When did you test your ph?? Because it will lower at night and 7.8 is not unusual if you just tested it.
Remember also that a common cause for low ph is not enough oxygen in your water. So be sure you have plenty of surface agitation.


Active Member
On an off-related note, Tizzo, it is great to see you back! I always enjoyed reading your posts, as you have a lot of wisdom to share with everyone.


i tested the PH @ around 6:30 pm Pacific. I'm using all the stock equipment in my 24g Nano. Should i add something else?


i forgot to ask how can i get the Specific Gravity back to 1.025? Add RO/DI water? or is it the other way around...add salt? sorry for my ignorance...still learning


Active Member
To get the SG down, just add small amounts of RO and test it.
A stable 81 degree temp is fine. Stability is most important.


Thanks Lion...
Turbonerd, by stock equipment, you mean... what? Or more specifically, what in the way of circulation. Include sump, powerheads, skimmer etc...


Originally Posted by Tizzo
Thanks Lion...
Turbonerd, by stock equipment, you mean... what? Or more specifically, what in the way of circulation. Include sump, powerheads, skimmer etc...

the stock equipment of the 24g Deluxe JBJ Nano Cube. a return nozzle with a decent pump. circulation is good. i can point the nozzle up to break the water surface...should i do this?


Oxygen is absorbed by your water via the surface. The more agitation, the more surface area. You want the surface of your water to be as agitated as you can get it short of a fountain. OK, little dramatic there, but you get the point.
You can test to see if it is oxygen that's causing your low ph by putting tank water in a bowl, aerating it for 2 hours and testing the ph in that bowl. If it is higher, than your tank is not getting enough oxygen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
You can test to see if it is oxygen that's causing your low ph by putting tank water in a bowl, aerating it for 2 hours and testing the ph in that bowl. If it is higher, than your tank is not getting enough oxygen.

Hm, awesome idea. I never thought of that one.

sinner's girl

also, if you're still cycling, I would wait before messing with your levels....
specific gravity: 1.029
add ro water to lower it. You'll need to add top off with RO water replace the water the evbabortes (water leaves the tank, salt doesn't...well it does...salt creep but you still need to top off)