proper water temps???


I just recently got a 2x96watt PC light for my 50 gallon, and it sits on stands about 4 inches above the aquarium, and has fans for cooling. however, 80 degree day here in detroit, afer my light was on for about 10 hours the water temp in my tank read 86 DEGREES!! how hot is too hot?? i cant beleive how much it is affecting my water.
86 is a little too hot ... If there is nothing in the tank right now, then no problem ... But animals will slowly get stressed by that level ... Dont put anything in until you get the temp right. Its not the heat that hurts them, its the fast rise or fall of a temperature, that their bodies cant handle. A Chiller or Fan would help you, or Air Conditioning.


Active Member
I agree that this level could cause stress eventually. 86 degrees is right above the threshold. Are you running a heater in conjunction to the lighting? What kind of thermometer are you running. What kind of A/C or cooling do you have in the home? Where's the nearest A/C vent or output in regards to the tank?

nm reef

Active Member
With your new lighting fixture do you use covers on the top of the aquarium?
I agree that 86 is getting a bit too high....I try to maintain 78-82 daily.


well my tank has been set up for quite some time and i have plenty of fish an inverts in it. I do have heater, but its only set at 78 so it doesnt even turn on anymore. Could my thermometer be broken?? its only a stick on one. Because right now after waking up...the lights have been off for 11 hours, and it stil reads 84. Theres no way its that hot in our house all day, or my dad would have turned on the ac...which is just a regular central AC, the vents arent directly near the tank though. Yes the tank is fully covered.


New Member
:yes: I agreed with cprdnick, the old glass tube is the way to go, I had a digital one, didn't function very well, stick on can't really tell sometimes. I guess technology not always better than some old and simple stuff!!:D