a buddy of mine gave me a 40# bag, on the bag it say's it never need's to be replaced but i know crushed cral need's to be replaced every so often has any one ever used this before? also it fizzes up with vinegar.
Originally Posted by fans1234 http:///forum/post/2900320
a buddy of mine gave me a 40# bag, on the bag it say's it never need's to be replaced but i know crushed cral need's to be replaced every so often has any one ever used this before? also it fizzes up with vinegar.
Please enlighten me on the need to replace crushed coral very so often
Originally Posted by fans1234 http:///forum/post/2901376
dosent crushed coral get clogged up and cause high nitrates?
Nope not if you vacume it out good. I dont care for it but that a preference.
A crushed coral bed will breed a PLETHORA of copepods. For this reason, I have a crushed coral bed in the back of my tank, beneath/behind my rocks. I don't like the looks of it, but it has its upside.