Pros/Cons of Tall tank


New Member
I was looking at getting a tank and I want to get the most for the space I can put it in. Because of this I started looking into tall tanks. A pro would be the fact I get more gallons, but are there cons to this?
I read on one site it is a con becuase there is less swim space. is this true for a 70 gallon (36 x 18 x 25) or a 90 gallon (36 x 18 x 31) or is this for those very tall and slender ones (about 5-6 feet and no biger than a square foot at the base).
Also, Does anyone here have a tall tank in the 70-90 range? if so what kind of equipment do you use and what are some problems you have run into?


Active Member
Nothing wrong with tall tanks 'per say' as long as you go as wide and deep as you can first. If 3 feet of wall space is all the room you have to place one then get one first thats three feet and then go as deep as you can and then as tall as you want. A longer tank does allow you to keep bigger and more active fish because they mainly swim horizonal so your still limited as for as that goes, but in the taller one, theres more water volumn over all and that helps to keep it more stable.
Depth ( front to back ) of the tank helps to give fish easier swimming room too, so go deep as well. And gives you a bigger foot print ( open surface area) as to allow better gas exchange and options for rock scapeing, ect.
The cons of taller tanks are that they can be more a hasle to service like reaching the botton with your arm, may need stronger circulation and also light does not penetrate as deep so stronger lights are needed or your limited to less light needy corals deep in it, if its a reef.


Ya i got a 100 gallon wide tank i think it's a lot better cause it's easy to reach the bottom of the tank and the light penetrates all the way also my fish have alot more room to swim
but it depends on what you plan to have such as reef or fish?


New Member
I was planning on doinga reef tank. For lighing and circulation is it possible to get stonger ones of each to where the height is not a problem, or would it just be better to go with a regular height tank. The reason why I was looking into the tall was I have the choice of 3 feet and putting it in our living room area or a 4 foot space in our bedroom. I would perfer it in the living room. but I rather have more "space" for fish.