Prospective Fish...


So as of right now I have a nassarius snail, a bumble bee snail,hermit crab, peppermint shrimp, 2 clown fish and a blue streak wasse. I would like a list of fish that are compatible with everything in my tank for the future. I have a 20gal tank.


Well-Known Member
sounds to me like you have all the fish you can get IMO. but ther is still room for more inverts! turbo snails, scarlet hermets, and serpent star fish. ther is also a lot of cleaner shrimp you can get.


So I'm good for more? I want a wait a little to see how these do, but I was wondering what I could get to go with them that will be peaceful.


Well-Known Member
No no I only have 5 bc 2 where in qt. Short term. I wanted to get them feeding on frozen b4 I put them in my big tank. Now that said could u add one small fish? Prob yes but thats it and u need alot more lr to help w the bio filtration


Well-Known Member
There fine. But do your home work. Some will eat your inverts others need old tanks w lots of alage


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Cysco1187 http:///t/397499/prospective-fish#post_3543014
So I'm good for more? I want a wait a little to see how these do, but I was wondering what I could get to go with them that will be peaceful.

More inverts? Yes you can get more. But be careful not to go overboard because they could starve. Build up slowly. More fish? Depending on how good your filtration is, I would think no. Even then you need to plan on how big the fish are really going to get. Not how big they really are now. If you LFS told you that they're fully grown, he could have told you that just to make a sale. Do the research on your own and find out if the species of fish you have are, indeed, fully grown.

Then you have to plan on where each type of fish swim in the tank. Divide your tank into thirds. One third is the lower area, one third is the center area, one third the top area of your tank. Different fish stay in different zones of your tank although some fish swim throughout, some stay in the top two thirds, some the bottom two thirds and so on. If you get three fish that stay in the center area of the tank you could be over crowded depending on how big they will grow. It also plays a part in territorial disputes.

I think the safety net for saltwater fish is three inches of full grown fish per gallon. But I could be wrong. You'll have to check with someone else on that to be sure.

Always learning.