Protein Filter


New Member
I have a 30 gallon tank with a protein filter on it, and I would like to know how often it is recommended to clean it? Also, when I called the pet store they told me not to wash anything in tap water. I don't understand how you get things clean by just dipping them in fresh or salt water that has been purchased. I feel like to get the grime out it needs to be rinsed in hot water. Help.....
I also have purchased two Anemones, they seem to be doing fine but when I put them in my tank they dropped onto some of my live rock and attached themselves to it and have not moved around at all. I thought they would move around some anyway. Can they be moved or should I just leave them alone. They seem to be doing ok (I guess), at least they are still alive and I have had them for about a month or so. I guess what I want to know is that normal.


Active Member
what are your water conditions for your long has tank been set up?ammonia,nitrate,etc. when you say protein filter do you mean protein skimmer? also i have sponges in my berlin 125 sump and i clean the sponges weekly by running them through tap water. but after i sqeeze out all thew tap i can. tap has bad effects but they seem to have no ill affects on my tank. for top off and water changes i use ro water.
good luck,


New Member
I have had my tank up since about the first of the year. I do mean Protein Skimmer. I put live rock and live sand in it. I have only checked my alkinity and my ph. I have never checked my nitrates. I have had a problem getting my ph up above 8.1. I have been adding some liquid buffter that comes in 2 different containers and I add some every night, but it still does not come up above about 8.1. I am still new at this and am learning all the time. I have lost some fish and am not sure why but everytime I have the water tested at the pet store they say it is ok. I guess I need to get my own test kit?...But....I would not know what to add if it tested wrong.
I only have a couple of hermit crabs, 1 large one and I had a few small ones but I just don't hardly see any of them, I guess they stay on the rocks. 1 clown fish, and a sea urgent with the 2 amemones. I had a yellow tang and another clown fish but they died, not at the same time at different times. I also have had a banded coral shrimp but it died also after awhile. I love my tank and would like to have all the creatures that give it color not just fish. I guess being so new I just don't know what I to do next. I just looks dead with no color. I guess what I am wanting is a reef tank, doesn't that have all the corals, amemones and plants that give it all the color. I like the fish but I like the look of the other. I really need to put something in there to sif the sand but everything I get stays hid all the time and does not do the job. What would you suggest>
Thank you for all of your help.


when I clean out my protein skimmer i just dump out the cup and put it back on the skimmer, i think i works better that way becuase the slimy stuff helps the foam rise to the to of the cup.
If your aneomones dont move it could mean that they like where they are at but you will need some good lighting for them or they will die, look into getting metal halide lights for your tank, thats some thing they dont tell you at the LFS when people buy these things


New Member
I have 2 light one white and one blue that is attachedto a metal strip that was made for me by a individual that has a saltwater business out of his home. I believe that I have enough lighting as I told him what I wanted to do with my tank.
I moved the rock that my anemones were on to another side of the tank and they still seems to be doing ok. I just thought they would move around but I do remember them telling me at the pet store that they would move until they found a place that they liked as far as the lighting. I guess they are happy there, right??
Thank you for answering me, I need all the help that I can get.
I cleaned my protein skimmer this week-end but I rinsed out the whole thing but next time I will try just empting the top cup. I also have just a regular filter that I had on my fresh water tank and I was told not to rinse the wheel out so I guess they just need all the slime hugh..It just bugs me to have something that I think needs cleaning. Ha Ha