Protein skimmer advice?


Hi - Do I need to keep my HOB filter if I add a protein skimmer?
I've got a 29g that's batteling a red slime problem and has a contained area of green hair algae. My ammonia and nitrates are 0, pH 8.4, SG 0.022. I have about 30 lb lr, a 2 inch ls bed, 2 percs, 1 firefish, 1 pepp. shrimp and several snails and hermits. I run a HOB filter and have 2 powerheads. My sand has been getting this layer of the red slime and now the back of the tank glass, too. The surface of my water always looks dirty and filmy... so I think I need a protein skimmer. I do 10% water changes weekly with RO water. I use Instant Ocean salt.
If I add a protein skimmer, can I remove the HOB filter? I run AC through it right now. I don't think I have enough room/outlets for any more equipment!
Help... please!


Active Member
You can add a hang on skimmer which might help with your algae problem. Are you using RO water? What is your nitrate reading? Where are your powerheads positioned? Having them near the top and angled toward the surface would likely help with the filmy appearance. You wouldn't "need" the hang on filter but IMO you can't over-filter a tank. Leaving the HOB to simply move some water and run carbon would be reasonable.


I would agree that you can never have too much filtration. If you have enough room on the back of your tank you might even look into getting a refugium / protein skimmer setup.
Just curious- You mentioned ammonia and nitrates were at 0. Did you really mean "nitrates" or was it actually "nitrites" that you tested? Just curious because most test kits dont actually come with the nitrate test. If you are having algae issues it is likely you have higher "nitrates". Or there isnt the proper amount of water flow?


Yes, I meant nitrites. I'm guessing there's something going on since I am having quite a bit of algae. So far it's only on the sand and on the back glass. Not on the rocks - yet. I have a HOB filter and two powerheads, each rated at 175 gph. I thought I had enough flow. I don't know how to direct them, right now one is pointing at the back glass at an angle, downward, the other the same way toward the front. I think I have ome dead spots between some rocks, but there's no algae there. SHould I get a bunch more snails to help? I'm already feeding less and have cut lights back to about 9 hours. thanks...


Active Member
I also have a 29 gallon tank and run a HOB Aquaclear powerfilter and an AquaC Remora skimmer, as well as a pair of MaxiJet 600 powerheads. Skimmers don't really provide mechanical filtration, so it's best to keep the filter. My powerheads are on each end of the tank and aimed slightly downward, which helps move water around down low in the tank, where red slime likes to grow. I also run the prefilter surface skimming box on my Remora, which helps remove the film at the surface of the water. I would suggest a similar setup and reducing your photoperiod (my lights are on 10 hours a day) to help with the red slime.