Protein Skimmer and filter question


New Member
Is there a filter that is a Protein Skimmer too? I was reading something that seemed like it might be but I am not sure. I am planning a 55G tank and trying to get things figured out before I start buying equipment. I would like to use hang on equipment, so any advice is appreciated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mhobbs
Is there a filter that is a Protein Skimmer too? I was reading something that seemed like it might be but I am not sure. I am planning a 55G tank and trying to get things figured out before I start buying equipment. I would like to use hang on equipment, so any advice is appreciated.
I think theres one thats called a skilter. But from what I've heard it doesnt work very well. You could just get a hang off the back skimmmer like a remora or excalibur, there real good. As far as filteration goes, on my 55g I have a magnum 350 canister filter w/ bio wheels it works real well for me.