Protein Skimmer and Refugium question


I am looking at buying a refugium with a protein skimmer inside of it. Wondering if this is as good of an idea as it sounds or if there are some cons to this as well? Are there any extra benefits to having these both together as to having them seperate from one another (besides just price)?
Not sure if I'm posting this in the right forum, please feel free to yell at me if necessary (haven't been on this site in ages!)


Active Member
If it is a quality skimmer, sure. Keeps things off the back of your tank. If it is a sub-par skimmer, order just the refugium and place a sump-style skimmer in it (or get the one with the skimmer in it and replace the skimmer).


OK thanks for the info. As I've never bought a skimmer before, what is a good quality one? I dunno if you can name certain products or what on here but any help would be awesome, because so far they all just kinda sound the same to me, just look slightly different.