Protein skimmer & cloudiness


Will not having enough protein skimmer for your tank cause cloudiness? I have a 225g with a protein skimmer for 150g....My 100g protein skimmer broke (I am repairing it)
BUT I just want to know if lack of protein skimming could cause cloudiness?


IMO, and I am by no means an expert, but I had one skimmer on my 55g and it just didn't seem to clarify the water like I thought. I then added a filter with carbon and the water has since been pretty damn clear. So, it might be possible to keep the water clear with very frequent water changes, however I love my skimmer and filter working in conjunction with each other


Active Member
Is is bubles???? The skimmer could be putting microbubles into your tank causing it to look cloudy. The skimmer should not be the cause of cloudy water. What are your params and water changes like. What kind of water, are you using RO.


all parameters are good, ammonia, trites, trates all 0, ph 8.3, phosphates 0-.25, calcium 430, alk 2.8 mel, did a 25g water change last week with ro, doing a 30g tonight, It's not bubbles, that is the only thing I am sure of...


Well-Known Member
If it's a white cloud, you don't have enough biological filtration. The cause is a bacterial bloom. If you want a quick fix, add a UV sterilizer, if you want a more expensive fix, add more live rock or increase your mechanical filtration and don't get rid of all of your filter floss or wash all your sponges the same day.


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
If it's a white cloud, you don't have enough biological filtration. The cause is a bacterial bloom. If you want a quick fix, add a UV sterilizer, if you want a more expensive fix, add more live rock or increase your mechanical filtration and don't get rid of all of your filter floss or wash all your sponges the same day.
HMMMM...I bought A UV sterilizer, and I was going to return it tomorrow cause everyone said it was not a good thing to kills good bacteria along with bad.....SO KEEP IT??? OR RETURN IT??? HELP
Not a's kinda tinted....when I did my water change it almost looks like a VERY VERY light yellowish green


Well-Known Member
Add some carbon to your system then, should clear up the water.
If you already have the UV sterilizer, go ahead and keep it. You probably don't have the flow through the UV sterilizer adjusted properly. I don't know if it's better to have low flow or high flow for bacteria problems. Anyone else can help?


I didn't even take the uv thing out of the box cause of all the bad reviews I received about them.....I don't have carbon in cause of HLLE, and the disease people (lol) said to remove all carbon.....


Active Member
I have no skimmer and I have no issues with cloudiness. A Fluval 404 canister and 100g Skilter (I have the skimmer turned off) and I have no problem with cloudiness, algae or nitrates. I would think the lights being on too much could do that.


That's the story of my life...LOL...Do you use a uv? If they kill bad and Good bacteria, can you use one part time? Maybe put it on for 2 days and then off for 2???? Or just get rid of it?