Protein skimmer help please!


so i went out and got myself a protein skimmer to help my tank out and make the best possible enviroment for my fishes! i went to the LFS and bought a Sea clone 150 protein skimmer! for a great price was usually 129 but on sale for 69 so i got it and i was in the market for one!
heres my problem! i followed all the directions on how to hook it up and followed it step by step ! so i plug the thing in and slowly close the air tube to get rid of the air pocket in the "J tube" (mind you this is a HOB unit!) it says once the air pocket is cleared let it run at that setting for 24 hours! but at that settin O MY GOD holy micro bubbles batman!
will these bubbles stop eventually or not! cause i dont want to stress my fish out!
i can stop the micro bubbles by closing the air tube up but then it seems as its not gonna be working properly
so can anyone help or have had this product and have pointers for me! and help is appreciated thank you!


get a sump and put it in there...seaclones arent really that good...i had 2 of them


well i dont have a sump! and dont have room for it! so any way of fixing this?
i'm waiting till i get my house to set up a nice big tank w/ sump fuge and w/e so this will have to do for now just trying to get some advise!


it will get better as it breaks in. However its my experience that they will always put out a few bubbles. You can make a bubble trap a small little box that the return water flows in that makes the bubbles have to rise back up towards the surface. AquaC Makes one for the remora. This might give you an idea of what you could do.


I had a seaclone before with the same problems. You can keep trying to adjust it so it puts out "less" bubbles, but they will never all disappear. Just keep adjusting the air valve until you have minimum bubbles (you may need to readjust it every couple of days). I ended up making a sump for this problem and didn't have to worry about it anymore. Regardless, i just got a Turoboflotor 1000 yesterday and i am super impressed with it. 100x better than the seaclones.


I have a micro bubble box and my skimmer still made alot of bubbles at first, it even starts them back up when i turn it off for a day or two and turn it back on.
They went away in a few hours, if they dont get a little plastic 3 inch by 4 inch box, and put a filter pad on the side and bottom, put the skimmer return in the box. it should help.
Mine still puts out a few bubbles, but its a WHOLE lot less now.