Protein Skimmer HELP


I just set up a 29g Tank, currently cycling w/ LR. I have a fluval 305, a AquaClear 30 Powerhead, and another random PH.
Currently, it is going to be a FOWLR, but eventually I want to make it a Reef Tank (once I get new lights).
That being said (29g w/ 305 fluval) what type of Protein Skimmer to people recommend??? Acouple different brand recommendations would be great as I have a large LFS that I get a discount at, thus I would like to buy from there.
Also, I would like an exterior / HOB unit, being that its a nano-tank and i have no sump/ref/etc.


The last skimmer we bought was an Eshopps cone skimmer, which is great, but isn't HOB. They had some pretty nice HOB models tho, so I'd look into them. It kinda depends on what the LFS carries...we could narrow it down better if you can give us some brand names.
CPR Bak Paks have gotten decent reviews too.
Red Sea Prizm tends to release a lot of microbubbles unless you mod them.
Not that skimmers are a huge mystery, but most of the cheaper ones like Sea Clones, etc. have issues, so I'd skip over the cheapies.


Alright, was in the area so I stopped in to "browse". They're Short-stocked bc they just had a huge blow out sale...
Oceanic Bio-Cube Protein-Skimmer (14 or 29)
Aquatic-Life Internal Mini Skimmer 115 (30gal)
SeaClone 100 Protein Skimmer (100gal) - too big, and Ive heard its bad quality.
Either 1st or 2nd decent? Or should I order from online?


Is your tank a Biocube or other "plug-n-play" type tank or is it a standard 29 gal?


Ok thanks I will go with that one - It would hurt at all to start running a skimmer even though im still cycling, correct? thought i minus well pick it up w/ other supplies tomorrrow....


Personally, I'd stay away from "in-tank" skimmers. They take up much-needed space (which is at a premium in a 29 gal), and they're unsightly (I'm all about NOT having equipment in my DT's). However, that's simply my personal opinion.
To be honest, you don't really NEED a skimmer at all, and on most of our smaller setups, we don't use them. However, I'd opt for one of the smaller Eshopps HOB's, maybe the Coral Life, Reef Octopus,or the Bak Pak.


Thank you sax - Any other opinions on NOT running a skimmer on a 29gal? I do/will eventually have coral, therefore if i need it for that reason, please let me know.


I dunno what type of reef you're planning, but I ran a very successful 55 gal softy/LPS reef for several years without a skimmer.


YUP....lots of people run their tanks w/o skimmers......heck some don't even use mechanical filters

PERSONALLY though I prefer both
after seeing what GOOK skimmers pull out, I could not imagine NOT using one.....JMO