Protein skimmer in reef tank?


I have a 65 gallon reef tank with a Aquamaxx hob skimmer. It has been running for about 3 months now and I am still getting some micro bubbles. Its not a ton, but bothers me when you are trying to view and enjoy the tank. Will the skimmer accomplish its benefits if I put the skimmer on a timer to run from 10 pm until 4 pm then turn off for the evening when we are home sitting in front of the tank?


Well-Known Member
I'd try to figure out what is going on with the skimmer that it would be putting that many bubbles in the tank...

If you can't figure it out, then putting it on a timer wouldn't hurt.

However, I should note that many people actually turn their skimmers off at night, so that when they feed their tanks before bedtime the coral food won't be taken out by the skimmer overnight.

I don't see a problem with the way you want to do it though. Happy reefing.