protein skimmer problem, please help!


New Member
I just bought a new protein skimmer for my 75 gallon tank. It's a Typhoon hang on skimmer. I upgraded from a 30 gallon tank about 1 month ago. Very little foam is being produced. It seems like not enough air is coming in through the air intake valve. I went out and bought a small air pump and connected it to the air intake and more foam is being produced, but not enough to get into the collection. I only have 1 clown fish and some live rock. Will it take more time for waste to accumulate in the tank before more foam is produced? Should I have to connect an air pump to the air intake valve? I appreciate any ideas


Active Member
All skimmers are different and you truely do get what you pay for in this department. I am not familliar with your brand (is it a hang on or in sump?)Also new skimmers take a while to start working properly, i.e being broke in. I have a red sea prizm hang on style and with 11 fish 2 shrimp in a 75 gallon i have to dump my cup once every 2 to 3 weeks. Now my son has a 30 gallon with 4 fish and he has a rio hang on skimmer and it is a piece of crap. it always loses it's prime and does'nt work half the time.


Active Member
Mie is right, all skimmers take a while to break in anf d start working. With only 1 fish in a 75 gal tank; you may not have enough crud to even skim. You can't skim what isn't there. No harm in running it; but as your bio-load increases, it will be easier to tell how the skimmer is working. Many of them require a little "tweaking" to get them working. You sure shouldn't need an air pump, it comes with a pump.