Protein skimmer I need it?

I have a SeaClone protein skimmer and it takes out skimmate but it produces way to many bubbles and I want to know if I can return it and how to keep my tank nice and clean without it so i can save $100 and use it on a CUC or other materials I need for this hobby..Please help! Tomorrow is the last day I can return it. Thanks!


I read really awful reviews about the SeaClone so I would take it back anyways.. From what I was told skimmers are pretty much a must but then again a ton of people here dont have them so IDK honestly. Im assuming it would be like cutting corners on filtration? If you have plenty of filtration somewhere else than no but skimmers are suppose to be awesome! (Im new rambling and wasting time while my tank cycles you can toss this whole post if its wrong but I think I might be right somewhere haha)
I wish I could remember who said it and quote them but I dont know who it was. They basically say you get what you pay for with skimmers. I think that advice can apply to anything in this hobby. If you go with cheap tools you have more chance of them breaking or not working right.
Okay I will really stop talking now! Hope you get some better answers!
I am looking to buy a used AquaC Remora Protein Skimmer.
I just return my SeaClone today. The Remora is $99 but it is used. Is this still a good deal or do you think it is a bad deal?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clownfanatic55
I am looking to buy a used AquaC Remora Protein Skimmer.
I just return my SeaClone today. The Remora is $99 but it is used. Is this still a good deal or do you think it is a bad deal?
Clean it with some white vinegar or bleach and let it completely dry. They both dry chemically neutral. Check to make sure the pump is in good shape and the actual skimmer dosent leak and you should be fine.