Protein skimmer question


I have a 55g and a couple of powerheads and just added a protein skimmer. I kept it on minimal flow and for a couple of days nothing happaned--finally yesterday the cup started to fill up but I also noticed a large increase in bubbles all over the tank and now I'm nervous so I turned it off until I heard from all of you experts who are always such a great help. Is this normal because I had heard somewhere that bubbles in the tank were bad in saltwater tanks?


Active Member
What kind of skimmer? Where is it?
Where is the overflow from the skimmer?
Usually it's a combination of how the skimmer is tuned and where the return from the skimmer is going.


Active Member
Hey Jumpfrog....were alamost neighbors.......I'm in the Pintlala // Hope Hull area. Ever go to Aquarium Fantasies in Montgomery?
Segsig.....As previously posted it would be good to know what brand of skimmer and how its setup. Just ball park if its relatively new as it sound like it is, and its been running a short time, and now fills cup and makes lots of micro bubbles it sounds like you need to cut back on the amount flowing into the skimmer (usually have a control valve for water, air or both) but without knowing how its setup and the brand gonna be hard to say. Bubbles should not really harm anything as bad as they may look


its a seaclone 100 in the 55g tank. I have it along the back wall in the far right corner - also have a power head along the right side wall pushing water straight across the tank--if that means anything. I also opened the valve almost all the water to have minimal flow returning back into thetank. And yes it was only running a couple of days before I shut it down to make sure.


Active Member
chip - Yep, I've going to Jim for years. He's got a lot of good animals. Like his fish better than his corals though. Best source in our area for corals is Aquarium Design in Birmingham. I'd be glad to give you directions if you've never been there.
Back to the skimmer. If it's still breaking in then you may just want to let it run for awhile. Bubbles are not the end of the world. Adjust the skimmer so that bubbles are just barely rising up to the cup. Don't have any powerhead blowing on the return.
Just keep playing with it, you'll find your sweet spot. All skimmers seem to have one.
Good luck!