protein skimmer question


You would get the best value if you purchased a SeaClone. Keep in mind that they are better suited for small to average size tanks. I've read that it's not efficient enough for 75 gallons or more (if you have clams, micro bubbles can leak into the tank and cause death). Again, a SeaClone does work well for a budget.


well last I looked it is a weekday, and by this time most people are at work/school...this is a free board and even you happen to see a shark logged in does not mean they will respond immediately...if it's during an off hours time, why SIMPLY USE THE "SEARCH" function; THEN post ? if you still were unable to make your own determintation...BB would be a lot less cluttered...asking a ? like that one almos always starts a debate as the SEARCH feature would have shown you...
seaclone is good for the $$$ we use ours on the 135 & works great; just make sure you get one that has not been sitting on the stocking shelves for awhile (older models has couple of design flaws that could be modified)


Active Member
Thanks for the advice. I am new to this board and the hobby. I'm not readily aware of its various options. Now I do. It was not necessary to be somewhat smart in your answer. It often appears that certain questions by novice individuals often goes by with little valuable information or responses. This is merely an observation however, and I do appreciate your advice on the Seaclone


Active Member
I use a Prizm and I'm happy with it. Got it for around $70.00. Takes a little to break in but is a good product for the budget concious.
Good Luck!
my prizm skimmer works for the first 4 months then after that it skims nothing, it dont mean that its not working but you can tell if you get dirty bubbles accumulate, but mine no more dirty bubbles whatsoever I even crank it up to almost open, I think skimmer is not necessary as long as you dont overfeed your live stock...


I used a pizm on a 75g and a 29 gallon for several months and it work have to adjust the valve every few months...
To add to some of the previous comments...many people are at work during the day and it takes some times 24 hours to get responces, if not longer. I know from expierence as a newbee to the hobby we want answer fast and accurate, however this is not the case always....I ask that if your patient with all, all will be patient with you. Just my 2 cents...Good luck with your skimmer! :)