Protein Skimmer Recommendations


Active Member
Hello everyone,
I am wanting to get a protein skimmer to hopefully help take care of my algae problem. My tank is a 20g long with about 20lbs. of LR, two clownfish, and two cleaner shrimp. I've been researching skimmers and am having a hard time choosing which one would be best for me. I don't have a sump, and I don't know how a H.O.B. one will work because of the hood on my tank. I need one that's relatively small and quiet, as this tank will be in my cubicle-sized dorm room =). I would really appreciate any suggestions you guys have for me. Thanks! :happyfish


Active Member
look into the aqua c nano i have the remora pro and love it see if its dimensions fit what u need and i think current usa makes a nano skimmer look on m. depot they have pretty good descriptions of the products they offer so u may be able to get an idea of how it would work with your hood


Active Member
Thanks chilwil,
I looked into the skimmers and the AquaC Nano seems like a really good choice. However, I still don't know how I would get it to work when I have a hooded tank. Would I have to cut a hole in the back to get it to fit? It's an Eclipse 3 Hood (don't worry, I've long since replaced the lighting and filtration) so that might make things more difficult.
I was also looking around and saw something called a surface skimmer/bubble trap--would I need to get one of these too?
Thanks! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by lefty
Thanks chilwil,
I looked into the skimmers and the AquaC Nano seems like a really good choice. However, I still don't know how I would get it to work when I have a hooded tank. Would I have to cut a hole in the back to get it to fit? It's an Eclipse 3 Hood (don't worry, I've long since replaced the lighting and filtration) so that might make things more difficult.
I was also looking around and saw something called a surface skimmer/bubble trap--would I need to get one of these too?
Thanks! :happyfish
Get the ASM G mini


Active Member
the surface skimmer is not neccesary it forces the pump to take the water off the surface where more dissolved organics are but it is large it the covers the entire tank you will have to make some modifications to the hood when u dont have a sump u may want to buy a skimmer u see up close 1st so u know if u want to make the neccessary modifications


Active Member
I think either way I will have to make some modifications, I just have yet to know the extent of them. I'm thinking I'll end up having to cut a hole in my hood for a HOB to work. I'm not too keen on the idea of doing that but I'm even less keen on the idea of having to constantly clean algae off of everything in my tank. =)
Thanks for everyone's input so far!