Protein Skimmer Residue Measurements?


New Member
I have been working on my Berlin Clasic Protein Skimmer and am not sure how much liquidy green residue is normal. I am sure there are many variables that come into play (85 gallons, 7 fish, high phosphate readings) however is a tablespoon over a couple of days far too little to expect from my protein skimmer? How much residue are your skimmers skimming?


Active Member
there is no right amount. If your nitrate levels remain low with routine maintenence and its producing nasty skimate dont worry as long as its producing something. How much it produces is completely dependent on the bioload, amount of disolved organics during any given period, specific gravity, water change amount and frequency and skimmer effectiveness. It is normal for them to go thru periods of producing alot and periods of producing not much based on the above.


Active Member
Make sure the cup is all the way down on the riser tube. This should cause it to make more and wetter mate. Check what sticks to the top and inner walls of the riser tube. The dryer stuff will stick there and thats what you want with a well skimmed tank. Newly installed skimmers often produce alot of clearer wet mate and after a while it should get dryer and darker. If you get that stuff sticking to the tubes then clean it every so often.


New Member
Thanks for the replies guys. Yes I have made sure that the collection cup is all the way down. The skimmed foam that I do get is very dry with only a small amount of dark green liquid residue accumilating. My phosphate and nitate levels are high leading to a pronounce algae problem. With all the variables involved how do I know if my skimmer is skimming effectively or not? It is very difficult for me to tell if the skimmer needs adjustment/replacement? Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.