Acrylic - thanks for the feedback. I was at my LFS tonight and asked if my guy was running a skimmer on any on the tanks that he has in the store and his personal tanks. He said for his fish tanks in both locations, he is not. In the store he has 1300 gallons running through 2 enormous canister filters - and I've gotta say, they look really nice. Now on his reef side of the display area, he is running one skimmer because he says the dissolved organics load justifies having a skimmer. At his home Reef and FOWLR, he has ecosystems running with miracle mud and calerpa (wrong spelling, I'm sure...seaweed).
His primary bones of contention are that for the cost of a skimmer (both financial and maintenance), they are not worth the benefit. According to him, a correctly sized eco with mud and seaweed in a FOWLR system will function just fine without a skimmer. Correctly sized being approximately 1/3 the size of the tank (eg. 38 gallon eco on a 125 tank).
This approach is perpendicular to literally ALL of the feedback on this thread..but IMO his display tanks and the fish inside look quite pristime.
His primary bones of contention are that for the cost of a skimmer (both financial and maintenance), they are not worth the benefit. According to him, a correctly sized eco with mud and seaweed in a FOWLR system will function just fine without a skimmer. Correctly sized being approximately 1/3 the size of the tank (eg. 38 gallon eco on a 125 tank).
This approach is perpendicular to literally ALL of the feedback on this thread..but IMO his display tanks and the fish inside look quite pristime.