Protein Skimmer


Hey, I bought a SeaClone 100 skimmer, and am very dissapointed...luckily I got it from a well known site for $20 new, so not much of a loss. What skimmer brands are nice, but not overexpensive? I know Berlin is good, but I want some other options becuase of my budgets, any input would be great!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jonny Bolt
Coralife Needle Wheel Super Skimmer. $100. Cant beat it.
i second that
i love mine i have had mine up for 4 weeks and i will testifie that this thing is quite, and can skim some nasty crap out


Ok, well It looks like it will probably be a Coral Life! I just wanted to get more than one opinion on it (no offense to you Jonny).


I have a Life Reef skimmer it works great a little on the pricy side
but if in the future you needed a larger one they have adapters to make it larger. Without having to buy a whole new skimmer. :cheer: I have the same seaclone you bought I wish they would take those stupid things off the market :mad: . I have had nothing but trouble with mine since I bought it
. Just rember as the old saying gose you get what you pay for.